This kit includes all of the greeting card stock not included in the Base Kit. They include heavier thicker papers as well as the elegant, 100% cotton Aurora.
Includes two 7x10 sheets of each - they fold to the top selling 5x7 (A7) size
Greeting card samples are labeled on the lower right INSIDE of the card.
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Red River Paper virtually invented the inkjet paper sample kit. We've offered samplers for over many years. In that time, we have tried every possible way of marking the sheets so our customers can easily identify the papers they like and need to purchase. Placing the label on the front of each paper creates the least amount of confusion, and helps to keep you the customer from being overwhelmed by a bunch of similar looking white sheets. Also, some papers cannot be stamped on the back as ink will adhere to that side of the media.
As samples, we intend for these sheets to be printed so you can tell if you like them or not. While they can be used for production prints, we hope that you use them for testing purposes. Please note you can get a full trimmed 8x10 out of each sample sheet if you do not want the markings.
We refer to the sample labeling on the sample kit order pages in two locations.
You can get a full trimmed 8x10 out of each sample sheet if you do not want the markings.
Simple - if we gave away the hundreds of kits we sell each month, the price of the paper you later buy would soon increase. The cost of each kit has to go somewhere, and we have found that our customers do not mind paying a few dollars to be introduced to our great products.